
Secondary Traits



Quick definition

Tendency to feel unworthiness and self-disgust when we’ve fallen short of our ideal self.

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High Scorers

High scorers tend to feel unworthiness, inadequacy, or self-disgust when they perceive that they have fallen short of their ideal self or failed to meet social expectations. It is a self-focused emotion that is directed towards the self, rather than the behavior. Shame often leads to feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, and a desire to hide or withdraw from others.

Low Scorers

Low scorers typically do not internalize mistakes as a reflection of their self-worth. They view failures or wrongdoings as isolated incidents rather than indicative of their character. They tend to maintain their self-esteem even when they make mistakes or face criticism, focusing more on rectifying the situation rather than dwelling on feelings of worthlessness.

Related Traits

Shame and Guilt are related but different emotional experiences. Whereas guilt is focused on behavior, shame is focused on the self. Guilt is the tendency to feel remorse for our behavior. Shame is the tendency to feel unworthiness and self-disgust when we’ve fallen short of our ideal self or social expectations.

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