
Secondary Traits



Quick definition

Has a lighthearted, humorous, and imaginative approach to life. Invents games. Able to have fun in any situation.

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High Scorers

High scorers approach life with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and humor. They tend to have a lighthearted and spontaneous attitude that allows them to find joy and laughter in even the most mundane or routine situations.

They are likely to be highly social (though not necessarily extraverted) and enjoy connecting with others through humor, play, and fun. They may often use humor to diffuse tense situations and make others feel at ease.

They also tend to be highly creative, and approach problems and challenges with a playful and imaginative mindset.

Physical playfulness is also an important aspect of this person's life, as they enjoy engaging in spontaneous physical activities and games, and may often be seen using their body in novel or unexpected ways.

Overall, a person who scores high on Playfulness is likely to bring a sense of joy and fun to any situation they are in and can be a positive force in the lives of those around them.

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