Self Compassion

Secondary Traits


Self Compassion

Quick definition

Forgiving and kind to oneself.

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High Scorers

High scorers tend to be more self-forgiving, accepting, and understanding of their own imperfections. They treat themselves with kindness and understanding during difficult times, rather than being overly critical.

They recognize their experiences as part of a shared human condition, helping them feel connected rather than isolated in their suffering. These individuals also maintain a balanced awareness of their emotions without suppressing or over-identifying with them.

Low Scorers

Low scorers tend to be hard on themselves, often being overly critical and harsh in their self-judgment. They may feel isolated during difficult times, seeing their struggles as separate from the human condition. These individuals might either suppress their feelings or become excessively caught up in their negative emotions, struggling to maintain a balanced awareness.

Related Traits

Self-compassion and Self-acceptance are similar in that they both involve having a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards oneself. But there are two differences.

Self-acceptance involves accepting all aspects of oneself without judgment or evaluation, including one's flaws and imperfections. It is more focused on acknowledging and integrating all parts of oneself into one's self-concept.

Self-compassion, on the other hand, involves treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and support during difficult times. It is more focused on being compassionate towards oneself when experiencing suffering or failure, and is the alternative to self-criticism.

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