Growth Mindset

Secondary Traits

Growth Mindset

Quick definition

Believes their abilities and intelligence can be improved through effort. Focuses on process over outcomes.

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High Scorers

High scorers believe that their abilities and character can be developed through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. They embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and learning. They are not afraid to make mistakes and see them as opportunities to learn and improve. They actively seek out feedback and criticism and are not deterred by setbacks or obstacles.

Low Scorers

Low scorers have a fixed mindset. They believe that their abilities and qualities are set in stone and cannot be changed or developed. They may shy away from challenges or competition or view them as threats to their self-esteem or identity. They may avoid taking risks or making mistakes as they fear it will expose their perceived limitations. They may also be resistant to feedback or criticism, as they view it as a personal attack or a confirmation of their shortcomings.

Related Traits

Growth Mindset is closely related to Self-Improvement Orientation. While Self-Improvement is the desire to develop new skills, talents and abilities, Growth Mindset is the mental ability to see failure as growth and put oneself in challenging or stressful situations that can foster growth.

About this trait

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