Alone Time Together

Love Attitudes


Alone Time Together

Quick definition

Wanting physical presence, but not necessarily attention, from their partner.

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High scorers like being in the same room as their loved ones where each person is doing their own thing such as reading, watching something, or working on a personal project.. They value spending time with their partner, but also appreciate having their own space and independence.

For these people, too much conversation can become exhausting. During these times, they prefer the silence of each other’s company.

Related Traits

Two psychological factors could influence the desire for alone time together

  1. High scorers tend to be introverted. They need time to recharge and be alone even when they are in a relationship. They may value quality time with their partner, but also prioritize their own personal space and time for reflection.
  2. Individuals with a Secure attachment style tend to value their independence while also feeling comfortable with emotional closeness and intimacy. Childhood experiences of having a caregiver who provided a balance of support and independence is a strong influencing factor.
About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Other Elements in Love Attitudes

Component of:

Being with them

  • High scorers benefit from having more introverted partners as extreme extroverts can be too talkative or energetic for them.
  • They commonly recognize and respect that lifestyles can differ between partners and don’t pressure their significant others to conform to their interests, more likely having an independent love archetype.