Compassionate Love

Love Attitudes

Compassionate Love

Quick definition

Selfless and unconditional love. Characterized by compassion, generosity, and nurturing of partner.

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High Scorers

Compassionate love is one which is altruistic, selfless, and unconditional. An intrinsically pure form of love, it is the mere act of loving without any underlying motivations. High scorers prioritize their partner’s needs over their own, however, while they don’t expect it, they usually feel most love when receiving compassionate love in return.

About this trait

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Other Traits in Love Attitudes

Component of:

Healthy Adaptations

Compassionate love, is in some respects, the purest and truest form of love in that the act of loving is itself the underlying motivation for these people—there is no embedded need for reciprocity or love in return. Altruistic lovers are highly accepting. They choose to love unconditionally––extending beyond any potential flaws or insecurities their partner may have. This makes them very capable of committed, long-term relationships.

Unhealthy Adaptations

Compassion means choosing to give love irrespective of circumstances, even potentially toxic or harmful ones. Though it may be difficult, those who identify with this love attitude must be careful that they aren't handing out their love for free to those who truly don't deserve it.

This may be particularly true for Compassionate lovers who find themselves in relationships with high scorers of Ludus or low scorers on Warmth or Agreeableness, who may abuse your love and take it for granted.