The Cavalier




Quick definition

Energetic and entertaining. Thrill seekers. Adaptable, dynamic, and practical. Easy-going and comfortable in a variety of environments.

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ESTPs, or the Cavalier type, are easy to spot from a mile away — they're high energy, active, and usually entertaining a crowd. Dynamic and entrepreneurial, the Cavalier is highly comfortable in a number of environments, and thrive in the center of attention. Known for being funny, light-hearted, and easy-going, this type tends to be well-liked and is welcomed with open arms at events and parties. The Cavalier tends to focus on the present: they enjoy being stimulated, and seek out intense environments where they can feel entertained and alive. This makes ESTPs particularly attracted to drama and risky activities; they enjoy having to channel their logical minds toward the present circumstance rather than getting caught in long-term planning or minute details. This makes them great in a crisis — Cavaliers are known to react based on facts and their natural intelligence to find an immediate solution.

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Archetype Breakdown









Given that the Cavalier loves change and spontaneity, it may come as little surprise that marriage is not usually their end-goal — rather, they love to live in the present with their partners without planning too far ahead into the future. Their spontaneity and enthusiasm makes them a fun match for types with similar energy levels; the ESTP always has a list of activities and hobbies on-hand to keep the relationship interesting.

Cavalier types are rational, and if they feel a relationship isn't working, they may be quick to move onto something new. If an ESTP commits to staying in a relationship longer-term, they can be caring and perceptive lovers — their ability to notice subtle shifts in those arounds them means they can often track their partner's moods and dispositions, and use that to be attentive to their needs. That said, this is typically done with a "problem-solving" mindset. Compared to other types, the Cavalier can be less sentimental or emotional, and does best with partners who are similar in this regard.

Boisterous in all aspects of their lives, the Cavalier is a big presence in the workplace. They love to approach projects hands-on, and tend to make projects memorable and interesting through their innovative approaches and desire to always mix things up. This type dislikes having rules forced upon them; the ESTP is one to improvise and experiment, and prefers to be able to act according to their own rapid thinking and intuition. In a highly regimented environment, the Cavalier will be less likely to succeed; however, when put on projects or teams with stimulating work, they will work hard and enthusiastically to bring about solutions and results. This means the ESTP often gravitates to people-oriented work where they can put their sharp minds to use — they often find success as entrepreneurs, athletes, emergency-responders, freelancers, and salespeople.

The Cavalier is very action-based — they love the thrill of passionate, fast-moving environments. This is usually a strength, but in some cases, it can work against them. The ESTP can lean toward impulsive behavior, and can escalate the drama of a scenario if they're not careful. Their desire for constant thrill can cause them to overlook their own health and safety, and in some cases, the emotional well-being of those around them. As the Cavalier focuses on facts above abstract ideas, they can sometimes struggle to focus on concepts that are important to those around them, preferring to dive immediately into action rather than talking or ruminating.

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Making rash decisions without consulting the group, team, or their partner
  • Responding dramatically to a challenge without stopping to think through how their reaction may be received
  • Focusing too intently on actions rather than the emotions of those around them
  • Leaving relationships prematurely out of boredom or a lack of effort toward reinvigorating the relationship
  • Failing to see the bigger picture due to their focus on the present moment

Out of any tier of a workplace, the Cavalier feels their best in management positions — they crave the ability to set their own schedules, spearhead projects, and experiment freely. As well-liked, boisterous individuals, they are natural leaders who are able to practically apply their skills to focus on getting the best results for a project or team. However, their spontaneity means the ESTP can often fly by the seat of their pants, throwing rules out the window in favor of finding new, faster ways of doing things. Because of their steadfast focus on the present, the ESTP leader is usually able to steer their attention to an immediate tasklist of high priority items rather than intangible future goals. This makes them effective and efficient leaders, who channels the team's skills toward achieving immediate results and moving onto the next exciting project or task.

The Cavalier craves stimulation — and thrives most in environments where they find it. Their zest for life is contagious, and they feel best when they're surrounded by large groups of friends and family who they can share their joy with. Naturally curious, this type thrives in environments where they can follow their curiosity, experiment freely, and challenge themselves physically. At their core, they prefer action to staying still, and are happiest with friends and partners who share their deep desire to try new things, mix up their routine, and keep life interesting.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Trying new things with an open-mind and curios disposition
  • Surrounding themselves with individuals who share their desire for change and adventure
  • Challenging themselves physically through new activities such as adventure sports — without putting themselves in harm's way
  • Learning to commit to others in relationships and finding innovative, mutual ways to keep things interesting
  • Seeking out careers where they can experiment and continually learn, rather than repeating rote tasks

Very much a well-liked “people-person”, the Cavalier is influential among their peers. Natural networkers, they are able to bring disparate groups and people together for a common purpose, activity, or event. This is a bold, energetic type — you can always count on a Cavalier to challenge tradition and boundaries, and to vocalize new ideas and approaches. Their natural intelligence is one of their strongest assets, as a highly observant and perceptive type, the ESTP draws on details from the people and environments around them, and uses them to create connections or spur meaningful change.

  • Responding to crises with a rational mind and immediate, decisive action
  • Noticing even small shifts in the behavior or habits of those around them
  • Experimenting boldly and unapologetically to arrive at innovative ideas and solutions
  • Communicating directly and factually with those around them
  • Bringing a contagious, positive energy to group settings that draws people close to them