

Quick definition

Believes in the inherent goodness of people. Genuinely enjoys being around others.

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Welcomers genuinely like people and being around others. They are able to form new relationships with ease and also maintain strong relationships with old friends. They believe in the inherent goodness of people and will often work to find it in even tough cases.

While they are able to lead, they are sympathetic and cooperative, believing soft leadership brings out the best in people rather than seeking to dominate others. Although they will lend an ear to those who need it, they are more adept at doing the talking when the situation arises.

They are able to mix friend groups more readily than others and can hold their own in most social circumstances.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






In love, these people generally see the best in their partners and are not naturally jealous. Even when things get tense they tend to give the benefit of the doubt, assuming at least that the other person has good intentions. They tend to forgive easily and keep the peace.

An ideal partner for the Welcomer is one who they can integrate into their social life. Being able to comfortably merge their significant other with their community meaningfully draws them closer together.


High scorers lean towards social and collaborative work. They are both trusting and easy to trust and form strong relationships with their coworkers. They are generally at ease around others, and work life feels smooth and removed from politics for them.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Capacity for loving other people unconditionally
  • Gives others the benefit of the doubt

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Not being discerning enough in your friendships


With a strong tendency to trust others, Welcomers are vulnerable to manipulation and being taken advantage of. It's important for these people to think critically and assess each situation with the information that they have gathered, taking action to create a safety net to protect themselves. Even if they assume someone is acting in good faith, it never hurts to have a safety net in place should they be wrong. It's beneficial to watch out for low scorers in Straightforwardness, and high scorers in Ambition as they are apt to deceive, and those who score high in Trust may not be equipped to identify it.