Social Ascendant

Social Ascendant

Quick definition

Ambitious and assertive, puts in effort to succeed.

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Social Ascendants are ambitious, assertive, and goal-oriented people. They're concerned with their public image and are always eager to gain a higher social status. High scorers are focused on climbing the ladder of success, whether it's in their personal or professional lives. Whatever the setting, these people know how to use their skills to get ahead and aren't afraid to put in an effort to get to the top.

Social Ascendants are also hard workers. They strive to be the best at what they do. And, because they're unafraid of putting in the work, they usually achieve the goals they set for themselves.

Related Traits

Like the Executive, they usually rely on their persuasive strengths rather than an exertion of dominance to gain this higher status. However, they're not afraid to assert authority and power over others if they feel as though they need to do so..

Additionally, while they're similar to the Ruler in that they thrive and often find themselves in positions of power, unlike the Ruler, they don't always actively seek it out.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Pattern Components

In love these people may be overpowering, depending on who they're matched with. Those who score high on Modesty, for instance, will have a difficult time coming into their own around them. There also may be friction between those with similar assertiveness levels, as sometimes the assertive articulation of thoughts and feelings may overpower the desire to learn and share in mutuality.

These people should be aware of how they wield this power. People like deferring to those who are confident and aggressive—it can feel safe and true, like they are being parented. But just because these people are powerful does not mean they're always right, and exerting power that is not carefully considered is a very dangerous thing. They should try things like adding “I feel” or “I believe” or “it seems to me” before their statements to let others know that they're not an ultimate authority but a subjective thinker offering up their subjective point of view at a given moment in time.


Because of their dominance and confidence, these people likely find themselves in leadership roles at work. They tend to speak up in groups, and others may look to them for guidance and or rousing speeches as they are less likely to be timid about taking on such a role, and offer steady, confident, and maybe even aggressive vocalization. This comes across as strong to many and so, will likely result in others deferring power to them.

Communication Style

Dominant communicators are direct and confident. When there's a decision to be made, they appreciate fast-paced conversation and getting to the point. In more general conversation, they shift from topic to topic with ease.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Sharp-minded, strong problem solvers and assertive risk-takers
  • Inherently motivated to succeed in the world

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • High assertiveness making other’s feel they do not have a safe space to freely communicate together
  • Lacking an ability to learn and understand through open and receptive listening