

Quick definition

Collaborative and prioritizes group over self. Humble and well-intentioned.

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Polite people are humble, well-intentioned, and prefer cooperation to competition. Since they value collaboration and prioritize the group over individual needs, they’re great team players and work well with others.

Their trusting natures help them see the best in people, which means they're less likely to make someone feel unheard or devalued. They don’t lean into the spotlight, and while they don’t necessarily lack confidence or self-esteem, they know how to recognize a team effort when there is one.

Because they're most comfortable in peaceful settings, they’re likely to be motivated to work through conflicts and help keep the peace in personal and professional relationships.

Related Traits

Although their well-intentioned, trusting nature and willingness to cooperate rather than compete makes them similar to Approachable/Friendly people, they're not necessarily as friendly, open, or vulnerable.

About this trait

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Pattern Components

In love, Polite people tend to see the best in others and don’t tend to experience jealousy. They give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that others are well-intentioned. They forgive easily in conflict and always try to keep the peace.

These people are likely tolerant and accepting of their partners—though it may be hard for their partners to get a whole sense of who they are as they're prone to suppressing truths that may create conflict. They tend to let others decide things like where to eat or even where to live, and so are more likely to follow their partner’s dreams than their own.


High scorers are collaborative team players in the workplace and don’t lean towards the spotlight but rather tend to share the credit with others. They make sure to recognize a team effort when there is one, and that they don’t receive too much attention and praise.

They do well in positions of service, deferring to others for instruction and unlikely to make a fuss when something doesn't seem right. They follow instructions well and aren’t likely to question authority.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Forgiving of others in conflict
  • Humble in nature and downplay their gifts and achievements
  • Prioritizes collaboration and peacekeeping over being right
  • Accepting people as they are


High scores in Polite can be a beautiful thing but it does present some danger as these people are less likely than others to identify when someone has harmful intentions. This makes them vulnerable to manipulation and being taken advantage of.

It's important for these people to think critically and assess each situation with the information that they have gathered, taking action to create a safety net to protect themselves. Even if they assume someone is acting in good faith, it never hurts to have a safety net in place should they be wrong. It's beneficial to watch out for low scorers in Straightforwardness, and high scorers in Ambition as they are apt to deceive, and those who score high in Polite may not be equipped to identify it.