Energized by the company of others, seeks an exciting life filled with people and activities.
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Outgoing people are what we typically think of when we think "extraverted." They enjoy being stimulated and challenged, both mentally and physically. These people crave the excitement, bright lights, and loud noises of large social events.
Whether they're gathering with friends for dinner or immersing themselves in sensory experiences like concerts and festivals, they like to fill their days. Their love of adventure may mean they're drawn to outdoor activities, but that's not the only place they find stimulation.
Even when their activity of choice is an indoor one, they want it to be fun, exciting, and challenging. Their love of novel experiences means they're also happy to participate in things that take them out of their comfort zones.
Outgoing is half of the Primary Trait of Extraversion. The other half consists of Warmth, Positive Emotions, and Assertiveness.
Love is a dynamic and fun part of life for these people. They are happy being around their partners both when alone together and when with friends, and seek to integrate their partner seamlessly with their social groups
They would do well to seek partners who are similarly extraverted. Pairings with Introverted partners present challenges in a relationship dynamic and may lead to a sense of frustration in these people.