

Quick definition

Logical and systematic. Rational thinkers who weigh facts, pros, and cons.

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These people are logical and systematic. Because they’re rational thinkers who make their decisions based on evidence and fact, they’re less attached to specific ideas and more adaptable in their thinking when new evidence becomes available. Their systematic approach extends into all aspects of their lives. They weigh the pros and cons of things before making a decision, and enjoy using their skills to find and evaluate every bit of information before they come to a conclusion about something. When faced with a problem, their data-driven approach helps them break it down into components to find a solution. Their curious nature means this search to understand and logically analyze systems and find new ways to solve problems is not just a way for them to gain new knowledge; it’s essential for them to feel fulfilled.

About this trait

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Pattern Components

At work, these people can recognize their own biases and prevent them from getting in the way. They aren't stubborn or overconfident, taking into account all options and drawing on the skills and experiences of others as well as themselves when deciding the best approach to a challenging situation.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Making decisions based on evidence and logic rather than emotions
  • Demonstrating intellectual courage
  • Willing to change beliefs when presented with new information
  • Able to create concrete and actionable plans to achieve goals

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Presenting to others as contrarian by constantly pointing out other people’s flawed logic or faulty thinking
  • Struggling to commit to things with imperfect information