

Quick definition

Approaches life and social interactions with enthusiasm and positivity.

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High scorers are cheerful and approach life with a sense of enthusiasm and adventure. When they face bad news or frustrating circumstances, they may be temporarily upset or mad, however, they are able to quickly resolve negative feelings and transform adversity into opportunities for personal growth.

They are able to enjoy life and appreciate its pleasures free of excessive self doubt or brooding.

Related Traits

Like Approachable people, they’re also warm, friendly. However, their positivity is more inwardly-oriented and relates more to their own self-acceptance, feelings and emotions.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Pattern Components

Being with them

Given that they are not easily dejected or discouraged, Joyful people are able to use their emotional reserves to support their partners. This does not, however, imply that they are steady sources of support, but rather that they have the emotional capacity to develop that ability.


These people thrive when given ample opportunity to explore and try new things. They are well-suited to careers that stimulate their interest, such as those that allow them to travel or explore other cultures.


Sensation-Seeking people are less suited to 9-5 type careers, and do not function well at monotonous tasks as they need variety in their day-to-day to feel positively activated.


Healthy Adaptations

  • Motivated by excitement, thrill, and new experiences
  • Bold, brave, and not afraid of new situations

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Taking thrill seeking too far
  • Lacking balance and moderation