

Quick definition

Believes in their own abilities and capable of dealing with life’s challenges.

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Industrious people are disciplined, goal-oriented, and capable. Because they believe in their own capabilities, they’re able to finish what they start in spite of obstacles. They’re goal-oriented and feel prepared to deal with whatever they need to in order to complete what they set out to do.

They’re also able to deal with life’s challenges without getting easily discouraged, which helps them put in the work to meet their aspirations. Since they have a strong sense of internal motivation, the act of completing what they start is often a rewarding substitute for external validation.

About this trait

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Pattern Components

These people are committed through and through. Their loyalty to others motivates them to continuously seek the light at the end of the tunnel during challenges. In love, a person with perseverance needs to continue pushing their limits and challenging themselves. They enjoy starting a new hobby together with their partners as it allows them to learn new things, as well as bond.


At work, these people are highly competent and effective, viewing their skill sets and preparedness with confidence and instilling confidence in others. These people are well served by their high stress tolerance. They not only persevere in chaotic environments but are motivated by them. These people are persistent and push themselves to win. They are able to see the world as limitless and are hungry for a challenge. One of the most important aspects, as it pertains to work, is that these people can work longer without reward, meaning they are better equipped for long-term projects than most. This manifests in a myriad of ways, for example working towards a promotion or starting a new business that may not see success at first.

They are highly [Self-discipline]d(/element/neo-self-discipline) people, and are particularly well-suited to self-employment or entrepreneurship, though they do just as well as employees. Their energy and commitment create confidence that any task they undertake will not only be completed but will be completed at a high standard.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Confidence in themselves and their abilities, holding the belief that their own efforts can produce desirable outcomes
  • Laser-focused on their goals, utilizing their stable attention span and high tolerance for frustration to achieve them

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Obsessive dedication and lack of work-life balance
  • Limited mental capacity for a lack of control