

Quick definition

Values cooperation over competition.

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Collaborators prefer cooperation to competition and tend to forgive and forget more easily than others. They’re good listeners and are supportive and sympathetic to others.

They're not usually motivated to seek positions of power, which means they're not driven by control and influence over others. This, combined with their group-oriented personalities make it easy for them to put the interests of a group over their own.

These people value teamwork. They actively care for the well-being of the group over their immediate self-interest and will actively contribute to group success and harmony. This is true in both their professional and personal lives.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Pattern Components

In love, these people are likely tolerant and accepting of their partners—though it may be hard for their partners to get a whole sense of who they are as they're prone to suppressing truths that may create conflict. They generally see the best in their partners and are not naturally jealous. Even when things get tense they tend to give the benefit of the doubt, assuming at least that the other person has good intentions. They tend to forgive easily and keep the peace.

With high scores in Teamwork, relationships for these people are not about two people meeting their individual needs, but rather working together towards improvement. They are more likely to put their partner first and readily compromise in situations of conflict. Part of the fun of relationships for them is sharing and working towards a common goal — a journey they can go on together.


High scorers are easy to work with, follow instructions well and thrive in positions of service. They are group-oriented people who put the team first, often ahead of their own interests. These people don’t lean towards the spotlight but rather tend to share the credit with others, recognizing a team effort when there is one, and making sure they don’t receive too much attention and praise. Their modesty likely makes them easy to get along with and safe to collaborate with and those they work with recognize it does not indicate a lack of ability, but rather a lack of arrogance about that ability.

With high scores in Trust, they do well in customer service roles as they're less likely to make someone feel unheard or devalued. Those who trust are more easily trusted in return and so good relationships can form between them and their peers, employers, and clients. Work probably feels smooth to these people as they rarely give into suspicious thoughts and feel generally at ease around others.


They may be reluctant to raise their concerns when something doesn’t seem right, and tend to defer to others for instruction and leadership.

In Conflict

When confronted with conflict these people lean towards peacekeeping, deferring to others, and backing down when necessary. They value collaboration over being right, and tend to forgive and forget easily.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Humble in nature and modest about their gifts and achievements
  • Trusting, willing to give others the benefit of the doubt, and open to forgiving those who have wronged them

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • High compliance resulting in a disconnect from their own needs
  • Reluctant to stand up for themselves and their beliefs
  • Overly trusting people to the point of being taken advantage of