The Nomad




Quick definition

Seek fun and stimulation in love but also want to maintain a sense of self in their relationships. Value pragmatism over romantic ideals but also need reassurance during times of anxiety.

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IPAFs are characterized by their unique blend of independence, practical thinking, a thirst for adventure, and a touch of anxiety regarding their relationships. They navigate the dating world with a desire for fun and discovery, yet their pragmatic side often evaluates potential partners through a practical lens. This duality can create an interesting dynamic where IPAFs are simultaneously drawn to the thrill of new connections and cautious about how these fit into their broader life plans.

In early dating stages, IPAFs are excited and enthusiastic, eager to explore potential with new partners. However, their underlying anxieties may surface as the relationship progresses, leading them to question the longevity and practicality of the connection. In long-term relationships, they strive for a balance that allows for personal growth and shared adventure, all while managing their anxieties and maintaining their cherished independence.

Opposite type

IPAFs are the opposites of TDCEs.


  • A partner who respects and values their need for independence.
  • Exciting, spontaneous experiences that break the monotony of daily life.
  • A relationship that aligns with their practical goals and personal growth.
  • To maintain their individuality while being in a committed relationship.


  • Losing their independence or sense of self in a relationship.
  • Settling into a routine that stifles their need for adventure.
  • The relationship becoming too serious or demanding too quickly.
  • Their anxieties sabotaging a potentially fulfilling connection.

Inner psychology

IPAFs' approach to love is significantly shaped by their value for independence, likely rooted in their upbringing or early experiences that emphasized self-reliance and personal achievement. Their pragmatic view on relationships could stem from observing or experiencing practical partnerships during their formative years, reinforcing the idea that love should not only be emotionally fulfilling but also logically sound. The adventurous streak might be a response to an internal or external push towards experiencing life fully, while their anxieties could be a protective mechanism, born from past disappointments or the fear of future failures.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Archetype Breakdown







(E)motion & stability

(F)un & stimulation


  • Self-Sufficiency: Able to maintain their independence and personal goals within a relationship.
  • Adaptability: Their pragmatic nature helps them navigate the ups and downs of relationships with ease.
  • Excitement: They bring vibrancy and spontaneity into their relationships, keeping the spark alive.


  • Anxiety Management: Struggling to reconcile their desire for adventure with their fears of instability.
  • Commitment Balance: Finding the right balance between maintaining independence and deepening the relationship.
  • Communication: Effectively communicating their needs and fears without pushing their partner away.

Traits in an ideal partner

  • Adventurous Spirit: Shares IPAFs' love for adventure and spontaneity.
  • Independence: Possesses their own passions and interests, enriching the relationship without dependence.
  • Understanding: Patient and reassuring, helping to ease IPAFs' anxieties without stifling their independence.

Advice for healthy relationships

IPAFs should strive to communicate their needs and fears openly with their partners, fostering an environment of mutual understanding and support. Balancing their love for adventure with the practical aspects of a relationship requires flexibility and willingness to compromise. Cultivating trust and security can help mitigate anxieties, allowing IPAFs to fully embrace the joys of a committed relationship without fearing loss of independence. Engaging in shared adventures can strengthen bonds, while also ensuring both partners maintain their individuality.

At their worst

When their fears and anxieties take the forefront, IPAFs can become distant, retreating into their shell of independence as a defense mechanism. They may avoid deepening relationships or sabotage potential connections out of fear of losing their autonomy or facing the vulnerabilities that come with intimacy.

At their best

At their best, IPAFs embody the perfect blend of independence, pragmatism, and the ability to enjoy life's adventures with their partner. They manage to maintain their sense of self while building a fulfilling, dynamic relationship that aligns with their values and desires. Their ability to navigate their anxieties and communicate effectively can lead to deeply rewarding partnerships that encourage growth, exploration, and mutual respect.