Caregiver. Helps others without expecting reciprocity. Kind, altruistic, and concerned with the wellbeing of all people.
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Compassionate people are sympathetic to the needs of others and motivated to help them. They put the collective over the individual and are unlikely to use others for personal gain or to get ahead in life. They value the well-being of the whole over individual needs, making them community-minded people.
Compassion is Empathy in action. While Empathetic people feel others' suffering, Compassionate people take it a step further and feel compelled to give their time, money, and effort to help those in need, making Compassion more rare.
With their Altruistic nature, Compassionate people are supportive and caring in relationships. They are able to anticipate their partner’s needs, and make an effort to create a safe and comfortable environment, supporting growth and development over stagnation and control.
These people should be careful to choose romantic partners that don’t exploit their empathy or altruism. They have a tendency to be drawn to suffering (or at their worst, falsely romanticize it) and have a desire to heal those close to them, which can be fertile ground for codependence or unequal expression of love and support.
High scorers are honest, reliable, and easy to trust in the workplace, as their words and actions are generally aligned.
Compassionate people tend to see the humanity in their coworkers, and are unlikely to step on others in the interest of personal gain.
Highly politicized environments are not the best fit for these people, instead, they thrive in positions of social and public service.
With high scores on Altruism, Compassionate people make particularly strong leaders as they are perceptive to the needs of those around them, making it easier for them to quickly forge plans that are likely to serve the greatest good. They are willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve this and that’s something people around them will notice and appreciate.