Desires varied, exciting, and daring experiences.
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High scorers value stimulation and need exciting activities to feel fulfilled.
They love the novelty of new experiences. These people have experimental palates. They'll try anything once, they tend to drive faster and listen to more arousing music. They're more likely to need thrills and new experiences on a daily basis.
Sensation seeking and Novelty-Seeking are related but distinct traits.
Sensation seeking is a general tendency to seek out new and exciting experiences, and is characterized by a desire for thrill and adventure.
Novelty seeking, on the other hand, is specifically a desire for new and varied experiences, and is characterized by a tendency to become bored easily and a need for change and novelty in one's environment.
Because they're driven by excitement and stimulation, high scorers are more likely to associate with other high scorers. Like Daring Lovers, this desire for novel experiences also means high scorers are more likely to have more and more-varied romantic partners over the course of their life.
Love for these people should be dynamic and flexible. A partner who is very career motivated in a conventional sense may not be well suited to these people. They may run into trouble with high scorers in Order or Dutifulness.
These people thrive when given ample opportunity to explore and try new things. They are well-suited to careers that stimulate their interest, such as those that allow them to travel or explore other cultures.
Sensation-Seeking people are less suited to 9-5 type careers, and do not function well at monotonous tasks as they need variety in their day-to-day to feel positively activated.